
Our Features


Inspirational Learning

Interactive, inspiring and full of outstanding activities

Qualified teachers

Hardworking, Talented and Supporting teachers

Safe Enviroment

Safe place the same as home, with defined rules

Great Location

Easy to access from all across Istanbul through Metrobus

Our Services



Inspirational Learning

At Future International School, our team of teaching staff provides the highest quality of learning where all students are given the opportunities to attain their very best by supporting them in overcoming challenges and inspiring ambition in them. With small class sizes, our teachers know each individual child and how to enable them to make outstanding achievements in all areas of the curriculum.

  • Over 55 Qualified professionals
  • We offer you our quality services since 2019
  • Educational activities in our daily plan

Summer Camp

FIS has a wide range of summer activities, including swimming pool, footbal, basketball, computer based activities, painting and many other fun and engaging activities


    Infant Care

    • Over 10 Qualified professionals for Infants Only
    • We offer you our quality services since 2019
    • Fun Educational activities in our daily plan


    Over 30 classess equipped with samrt boards, white boards and other necessary stuff for high quality eduvcation

    • Over 30 fuuly equipped classrooms
    • We offer you Intensive competitive classroom
    • Fun and engaging Educational activities in our classrooms


    Learning process happens when engagement with meaningful activities are combined and students are motivated to participate in activities. Here at future international school (FIS)  We form a kind and welcoming family for students to feel themselves as part of the school

    • in and outdoor activities
    • Soccer, Basketball, Swimming Lesson
    • Science Lab Activities
    • STEM and Robotics Activities